We Believe ESG+V Makes for Better Investing

Riverside does more than pay lip service to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues. We strongly believe that considering ESG issues makes us better investors, a better place to work and a bigger force for good in our communities.

We’ve even added to the acronym. Around here, it’s ESG+V, for values. That V is in part a hard-earned letter, as we’ve been burned by companies who lack them, and seen excellence from companies that exemplify them.

We’ve built Responsible Investment Guidelines that include an ESG+V Index. Details include:

  • Statement of belief in the value of ESG+V and the correlation between strong governance and well-run, effective companies

  • A commitment to consider ESG+V issues as part of due diligence

  • A pledge to limit and/or mitigate the environmental impact of a company's operations

We are delighted to be a Sponsor of Level 20, the not-for-profit organisation established to inspire women to join and succeed in the private equity industry.

Our firm supports Level 20’s mission to encourage greater female representation across the private equity industry with the goal of having 20% of senior positions in the industry held by women and with a particular focus on increasing the number of women in investment roles.

We support Level 20’s five key initiatives to achieve this mission: mentoring and development; networking and events; outreach; advocacy; and research. We encourage our employees irrespective of gender to be active members of Level 20 by contributing to Level 20-led research, discussion groups and outreach events and participating in the annual mentoring programme. Our firm’s engagement with these activities is led by our internal Level 20 Ambassador.

Corporate values only have heft when they’re more than empty rhetoric or lofty goals. We strive to live by ours every day.

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