Dedicated to Building a Diverse Workforce

The Riverside Company is dedicated to building a diverse workforce throughout all of its global offices. Riverside is committed to fostering an environment where each individual is empowered to share their unique perspectives and life experiences.

We believe this inclusive and diverse atmosphere allows Riverside to attract high caliber talent, serve its employees and build connections with a diverse universe of companies that can help us identify investment opportunities around the world.

We seek to attract, retain and develop people that can share the wisdom and understanding that comes from various cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds, genders and sexual orientations.  Our hiring process is designed to be fair and inclusive, we engage senior management in discussions on diversity, and we understand the value in opening our minds to learn from each other. We believe a diverse team can help achieve our goals.

The Riverside Company Diversity and Inclusion

Women's Awareness Initiative

The Riverside Company is proud to be a founding member of the Women's Awareness Initiative (WAI). This program actively works to bring together institutions that are committed to advancing gender diversity in the asset management space.

Read More About the Launch of WAI

We are delighted to be a Sponsor of Level 20, the not-for-profit organisation established to inspire women to join and succeed in the private equity industry.

Our firm supports Level 20’s mission to encourage greater female representation across the private equity industry with the goal of having 20% of senior positions in the industry held by women and with a particular focus on increasing the number of women in investment roles.

We support Level 20’s five key initiatives to achieve this mission: mentoring and development; networking and events; outreach; advocacy; and research. We encourage our employees irrespective of gender to be active members of Level 20 by contributing to Level 20-led research, discussion groups and outreach events and participating in the annual mentoring programme. Our firm’s engagement with these activities is led by our internal Level 20 Ambassador.

Partnering with the TEAK Fellowship

As part of our Diversity & Inclusion initiative, Riverside's New York office partners with The TEAK Fellowship to hold workshops for college-aged students in NYC. During the workshop, Riversiders are paired with students to give resume advice, discuss careers and possible career paths.

Women's Networking Breakfasts

Riverside hosts Diversity & Inclusion breakfasts in New York and San Francisco to highlight private equity career paths and opportunities for women.

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