Regulatory Disclosures

The content of Riverside Partners, L.L.C (d/b/a “The Riverside Company” or “Riverside”) website (the “Website” or the “Site”) is for general, informational purposes only regarding Riverside’s potential capabilities for portfolio companies, management, and service providers. Under no circumstances should the information presented be considered an offer or sale of, or a solicitation to any person to buy, any security or investment product or investment advice. Although Riverside has used all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided is correct, Riverside makes no representation and gives no warranty that such information is accurate, complete, or current.

The information on this Site may not be copied, reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, to any person or party without the prior written consent of Riverside.

The Website, including Case Studies, are for informational purposes only and intended for management teams and owners considering partnering with The Riverside Company.  The Website should not be relied upon for investment decision making.  Any existing or potential investors should not rely on the Website for any source of information.  Information regarding Riverside’s investment products are not provided on the Website and are only offered privately.  Case studies may contain opinions of former and present portfolio company executives and are intended to be viewed by portfolio company executives or owners looking to partner with Riverside.  Such executives are not compensated by Riverside directly for such statements, however all of such persons had or continue to have economic relationships with Riverside, including potential incentive awards for performance.  It should not be assumed that the portfolio companies discussed in these case studies were profitable or that future portfolio companies or experiences will be comparable. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Smaller end of the middle market is defined as annual revenues generally in the range of $5 million to $75 million. Riverside AUM figures as of Q2 2022.

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