Thematic Investing

Along with the firm’s extensive experience and operating-intensive approach, ongoing expansion in thematic investing is another differentiated way Riverside can provide value to middle-market, growth-oriented safety and security companies.

Thematic Investing Helping Companies

Thematic investing is an approach which focuses on predicted long-term trends rather than specific companies or sectors, enabling access to structural, one-off shifts that can potentially change an entire industry. 

We believe identifying the potential for structural change and understanding expected transformations early is a key driver of success. 

Flavor & Specialty Ingredients

We partner with flavor and specialty ingredients companies, and are well-versed in the flavor and specialty ingredients industries, making us a value-added partner.

Riverside seeks flavor & specialty ingredient partners with:

  • Market Leadership
  • Outstanding Reputation
  • Strong Value Proposition
  • Multiple Growth Opportunities

Learn More About Our Flavor & Specialty Ingredients Investment Focus

Testing, Inspection, Certification and Compliance

Riverside partners with a variety of Testing, Inspection, Certification and Compliance (TICC) companies focusing on:

  • Life sciences:
    - Food & agriculture
    - Food safety
    - Third party testing labs
    - Medical device compliance & audit
    - Pharmaceutical compliance & audit
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive

Learn More about our TICC Investment Focus

Safety, Security, Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Riverside has been partnering for growth with Safety, Security, Compliance and Risk Mitigation (SSCRM) companies for decades. These companies focus on:

  • Industrial Safety
  • Public Safety
  • Workplace Safety & Compliance
  • Cyber Security
  • Risk Management Software

Learn More about our SSCRM investment focus

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