Salesleaders Webinar Mainbkg 2048X1067

Riverside University Webinar: Leading Your Sales Leader

Building a strong sales operation that can scale and can grow both organically and with add-ons is critical to your success. Many sales leaders haven’t led sales within a Private Equity portfolio company before, and their focus and operational expertise may need some guidance from you. And sometimes their personalities make them tough to manage. We will discuss some ideas on how to lead your sales leader which will also serve to help you discern whether your sales leader has what is required to carry your company to a successful exit.

Join Peter Svenneby, founder and managing partner of Riverside Toolkit partner Syntuity, for this 45-minute webinar as he shares some quantitative approaches to leading your sales leader and determining whether that person can carry the sales operation through this time.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the perspective and the questions that will give you a good, objective read on whether your sales leader is building a scalable operation.
  • Move your sales leader interactions away from “Story Time” and towards objective numeric based interactions that tell the story themselves.
  • Learn how to redirect your sales team from reporting on stories to reporting on process.
Stanowickdan BKG 300X450 (1) Daniel Stanowick Manager, Global Marketing and Communications Cleveland +1 216 535 1776

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