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Riverside University Webinar: Before the Crisis: Creating a Plan to Save Your Reputation

You can’t predict when a crisis will occur. But you can plan for one. A carefully crafted crisis communications plan may be the best insurance policy for your greatest uninsured asset: your reputation.Y

Many companies have operational emergency plans, but few have a communications plan to guide them through the situation. Because if your employees, customers, clients and other stakeholders don’t get the whole story from you, they’re certainly going to get it from opponents, competitors and others, filtered through the lens of traditional and social media.

Presented by Hennes Communications founder, CEO and president Bruce Hennes and managing partner Thomas Fladung, this 45-minute webinar will illustrate the value of an effective crisis communications plan and walk you through how such plans are built.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how a crisis plan will help sensitize your organization to the importance of responding immediately in an era of instant communications.

  • Understand the value of a vulnerability audit and how it can help determine likely crisis scenarios.

  • Discover how to craft key messages – in advance – that your stakeholders need to hear when a crisis strikes. 

  • Learn how to assemble a crisis communications team.
Stanowickdan BKG 300X450 (1) Daniel Stanowick Manager, Global Marketing and Communications Cleveland +1 216 535 1776

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